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"Streamers" and "Solitary Refinement"

Writer's picture: Alexandria PulidoAlexandria Pulido

I recently uploaded these to youtube with the help of Sergey Kolivayko, and I noticed these are the two performances in the past year where Nancy and I wore the same general outfits in black and white. It seemed fitting they should be grouped into a Tenam blog post and shared.

January 27th 2024

Title: "Streamers" Feat. Rainbow Kimono, Zane Alexander, Nancy Ross, and Lexi Pulido

Instructions: Utilize the brilliant talents of Rainbow Kimono's directing, Nancy and Lexi's embodiment practices, and Zane Alexander's soundscaping to deliver an epic 15minutes inspired by the tales of April Rose' fringe-faced beings.

Why? to bring tenam back. then, to deliver the story of healing through attachment with another.

Rehearsal Discoveries: April and I spoke on the phone of potential formats. We decided to figure it out the day before when we all got together for a rehearsal. We were between two ideas for storylines and decided this one because it would utilize transitioning between separate to connected fringe faced beings. We jotted down this landscape pictures below, then decided, since the doors would be closed, April would instruct Nancy and Lexi out loud to maintain timing since the glasses are blinding. We felt through some concepts of movement on the initial run through, and solidified a few more logistical elements in the 30min prior to the show, one of which being the twisting of the connected glasses outward so as to flow seamlessly.

Performance Write Up: A very lighthearted crowd came. Zane and April were behind the scenes, and many didn't know what roles they were playing for the show. I also did a bad job announcing those roles, and merely named everyone. Anyone curious enough could have found out, however.


April 8th 2023

Title: "Solitary Refinement" by Plexusplay feat. Nancy Ross and Lexi Pulido

Instructions: Create a performance art piece for Plexusplay's album release show for his song, "Solitary Refinement."

Why? To exemplify the healing powers of facing oneself and spending time alone to unpack. <3 Matt and <3 Nancy.

Rehearsal Discoveries & Performance Write Up: When Plexusplay asks Tenam Studio to deliver performance art at his album release show, Tenam Studio knows there will be tea. There was tea, and something delicious from Trader Joe's, as one can expect from the sweet hosting of a luncheon and envisioning session with Matt Dibiase. Lexi clicked a few buttons to get a helium tank and cloud balloons and called upon the storytelling skills of Nancy Ross. Lucy Loop even swung by to smudge paint all over cardboard. The bits of sheer fabric as sashes on Lexi and Nancy were an initial attempt at wrapping balloons in the thinnest fabric available, which was a failed attempt even after adding nearly 10 balloons to the smallest sliver of fabric. In an effort to use this description as a container for all the piece's remnants, here are notes I found from mine and Nancy's meeting recorded by Nancy and Lexi on apple notepad...

"String balloons, helium tank, safety pin rubber bands are used dance I wander about strength gave me my dream work well I don’t know I mean I like what you said I was just like they see you they see you and it could be cool for them to see you especially if you’re at exit should we get you look up a full body suit in all black should I get one of those? Do you wear all black do you? What are you do with your head you’re a girl distracted server causing distraction for you a trickster or just like someone who is like like if you get distracted by let’s say your phone in that moment and black can come and lay the phone down close by you in the new I’m just putting all these like oh see you star as the trickster distractor or I I take or opposite of that but I’m trying to get you to your thoughts and away from the distractions of the dummies also gonna be the one who gives and controls the fox say yeah so it’s like if I could try to distract you then take the thing away. What if you mirrored me"

We arrived in downtown with our balloon filled, painted boxes and made our way into the venue. You can catch me hollering at Matt to start the song at the beginning of this video. 

Grateful for the opportunity. 

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