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Week 16 October 3 - 7

Writer's picture: Alexandria PulidoAlexandria Pulido

Monday October 3rd

Title:“Yom Kippur”

Batya described and reflected on the importance of Yom Kippur, inviting the audience

to participate in a letting go ritual described below.

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Tuesday October 4th

Title:“Water and Coffee”

Instructions: Harmonize the pre-existing melodic vamp, "Water and Coffee"

Why? To fit some composition into the day. To make visible a gorgeous process. To create a space for witnessing the process of harmonizing. A glimpse into an intimate, personal space.

Rehearsal discoveries: Chose to drink water and coffee. Set up a cozy little space with a notebook and utilize voice memos as a compositional tool.

Performance write up: What a delightful process. I love songwriting and harmonizing. Whether or not it's a legitimate "performance" is a debate I would expect to have over such things. For those in attendance, I spoke to them of my desire to write more danceable, jam-based material in the spirit of Fela Kuti, where a few melodies can serve to structure long form improv. The big difference between composing alone, and doing this as a performance is the "being watched" element. Being watched is the essence of accountability. Avoiding shame and the appearance of weakness can be a powerful and useful force to stay focused on a task. Having limited time ranges like 15 minutes to accomplish a task is another great tool. Is it wrong to use these performances to serve me in these ways? It's not just serving me, it's supposed to represent be an example of beauty and self nurturing. Maybe it's great. Maybe it's underdeveloped. What does the audience need from me? What do I need from me? Are we all getting something we want?

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Wednesday October 5th

Title: “Clown Eats a Sandwich” Feat. Leslie Fisher and Danielle Levsky

This has to be one of the grooviest sandwich making and eating experiences I have ever witnessed. There is dancing, wonder, seeing eye holes through a cucumber, paper slicing, reaffirming joy between the two of them, and a spirit of delicious life-loving. Ella the Clown (Danielle) gets some quality coaching in how to bite, chew, and swallow and well-deserved affirmations from Leslie, assistant clown. The two of them channel the explorative space of wonder and flow with a dynamic of caretaking, joy-seeking, and straight mayonnaise eating hilarity.

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Thursday October 6th


I was out of town and Nancy was under the impression that, since she didn't see the gopro, she wasn't supposed to video her performance. This is unfortunate, as she also mentioned this performance was phenomenal. I will follow up if I can get more info from her.

Friday October 7th

Title: “Vibrations Event"

Feat. Sean Francis Conway

Sean brought the vibes. Tapping on a wine glass, Sean identified its resonant frequency. Sean proceeded to sing said frequency at the wine glass, causing it to ring out some of its overtone frequencies. I imagine he could feel the glass vibrating from this. Also, the sliding glass doors to Tenam were closed when he did this performance, so the audience present was just witnessing these actions with the slightest bit of meta vibrations transferring through the door.

WIth the second glass, Sean explored the same process as well as holding the opening of the glass to his ear while humming the tone, giving more "umph" to the sound production, and slightly sharpening and flatting the tone. The second glass appears to be slightly larger than the first.

This third glass has the highest resonant frequency and seemingly the smallest. Sean is producing the higher tone very nicely and with much gusto. Writing this description out is in fact hilarious. He has changed his vowel to an Ah instead of Oo, seemingly easier to open up on these pitches. He has put such gusto in he is giggling about it. People outside are giggling about it.

He revisits the first glass.He is likely feeling more warm and open vocally at this point because now wine glass is producing a crunchy/rubbing sound as if the glass itself is feeling the vibrations more intensely. He is able to get said crunchy rubbing sound from the other glasses as well.

I saw on instagram that, following his performance, he got out the QSC speaker and amplified his voice into the glasses this way. He had a pen or something in one of the wine glasses and was causing the pen to oscillate and vibrate, spinning around the inside of the glasses. :) What a great time.

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